Date: 03/03/2022

New Feature: Sales mode App Exporter


First of all you need to open your Slabware App and put all the login data so you will be able to acess the system.

You can choose between the Management Mode and Sales Mode. For you to be able to buy or sell your slabs or bundles you have to use the Sales Mode.

When you choose the Sales Mode you need to chose a use or create a new one.

On Sales Mode you are able to add slabs or itens to your own online shop cart clicking at the plus blue icon.

That way you will can select the bundle to the cart clicking at the blue button ADD TO CART.

In the cart, you will find the option to add more slabs, there you can add as many as you want. Click at the small pencil and you will  be able to change the slabs price as you want.

Once you click at the edit button, a page will open and you will be able to change the prince of all the slabs in the bundle automatically in the cart. When you set the prices as done you have to click in the button APPLY, next SAVE.

Still in the cart, you will find the option to add more slabs, there you can add as many as you  want. Also there’s a edit information bellow.

In the Edit page you can put the job references, additional prices as Taxes, Shipping Cost or Discout, also Estimated date of shipping of the products if you want to, you also have the option to not do it and leave it in blank. To save all the information click SAVE.

When you click save your order will be saved automatically. Finally, you can see all the documents you can attch with the information add in you cart clicking at the button DOCUMENTS.

Here you can download all of that information in PDF, you can choose the ones useful to you at the clicking at checkboxes presented.

To check your orders list you need to go to the principal page and click at the the icon in the corner, wich will appear the ORDERS tab, click there.

In orders list you can locate all the information about the orders made.


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