Date: 01/17/2022


We´ve made major improvements on the Drawing feature! We hope this tutorial helps you to get into the new updates easily.

Here´s a step by step:

First of all, find the drawing section and click “New” button:


On “Counter Measurements”, as  your sketch is created, press  the right button of the mouse to find  Mill Down and Lamination options:


By selecting the options, the names will be displayed and the services generated on the quote, based on the drawing total square or linear footage.

We also created  the “Waterfall” option on the  “ Splash & Edge” tab.

Simply place the cursor on the drawing´s border and press the left button on your mouse to access this option:

That´s how the Drawing will look like after adding the Waterfall:


On “Material” section, the area will be displayed along with the waterfall:


Last but not least, we have updated a new way to move your drawing, just by pressing “CTRL”+ right arrow on your keyboard:

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